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AddressMongeham Road, Deal, Kent CT14 9PQ

Telephone01304 374033


Our governing body exists to oversee the running of the school. Governors are appointed from a variety of backgrounds to  ensure a wide range of skills and expertise that will benefit the school. 

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors you can either contact him via post or hand delivery to the School Office, make an appointment through the School Office or alternatively contact him via email:

Hornbeam Primary School Declarations of Interest click here 

Adrian Cory - Parent Governor - Chair of Governors

My son started at Hornbeam in September 2017 and I was elected as a Parent Governor 6 months   later. I am looking forward to the opportunity of being able to help the school develop and move forward   throughout the coming years. I've been a Civil Servant my entire working life which provides a number of   skills that will be extremely useful for this important and challenging role. 

Stepped up to Chair from Vice-Chair in January 2022.

Appointed March 2018

Attendance at meetings 2021/2022: 100%



Claire Scholfield-Myers - SEN Governor - Vice Chair  

I have been a governor in a number of schools in the local area for at least 10 years and so have   extensive experience and knowledge. Having had a child with SEN, this is an area of particular interest  and I am honored to be the SEN governor for Hornbeam Primary School. 

Appointed July 2020

Attendance at Meetings 2021/2022: 100%



 Rose Cope - Head Teacher

As head teacher of Hornbeam Primary school I am also a member of the governing body. I am responsible   for the day to day running of the school and the governors act as my ‘critical friend’ – providing support and challenge in equal measure. I am proud of our school and I look forward to working with our governors to ensure each and every child receives the best education we can deliver.

 Attendance at meetings 2021/2022 : 100%



 Claire Burbridge - Co-Opted Governor

 Hello, I am the safeguarding governor at Hornbeam. I am proud to be working   alongside my fellow governors to support the school in providing the best   environment for all pupils. As a parent (of 2 children who have recently completed   their primary education in another DEALT school) I feel very passionately in the   importance of safeguarding our children. I believe in a holistic approach in schools,   focusing on high quality educational standards within a nurturing environment that   fosters strong social and emotional development.  I am a chartered psychologist   working in health research, listening to and learning from what is important to   patients and their families. This can be a sensitive environment in which safeguarding   and ethics are also critical, and so this gives me experience and insights that are   helpful in my governor role.

 Appointed April 2022

 Attendance at meetings 2021/2022: 50%


Emma Jones - Staff Governor

 I have been a teacher at Hornbeam for many years and a part of the Senior Leadership Team for the last   few years, with responsibility for helping oversee Literacy and Numeracy as part of the standards team.  An important part of my role on   the governing body is to represent the teaching and non-teaching staff,   and to help the other governors to understand the day-to-day workings of school life in all its variety.  I   also welcome visits from and discussion with other Governors who wish to see policy in action.

 Attendance at meetings 2021/2022: 100%


 Dipta Malik - Parent Governor

 I have two sons at Hornbeam.
 With that being the case, I have a strong interest in the performance of the school,   from an academic, pastoral and extra-curricular perspective.

 I hope to be able to make use of my experience as a small business owner for the last   decade or so in this role and help the school develop and grow for the benefit of all   the pupils and parents.

 Appointed March 2022

 Attendance at meetings 2021/2022: 67% 



Karen Price - Governor

 Having previously been a co-opted governor at a Stevenage primary school for nearly   four years before moving to Deal, I was very keen to get involved in my local   community again. I am a nutrition and mindset coach, with a long background in HR,   finance and administration.

 Appointed November 2023



Tara Bennett-Cobb - Co-Opted Governor

 My daughter started at Hornbeam in 2022, and thoroughly enjoys attending school.     I look forward to helping Hornbeam continue to grow for students, present and   future.

 Appointed March 2024


Judy Brace - Co-Opted Governor

Appointed January 2024


 Awaiting Image



 HB terms of reference 2022 - 2023   Click here
  • Purple Mash
  • Letters and Sounds