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AddressMongeham Road, Deal, Kent CT14 9PQ

Telephone01304 374033

A Rich and Engaging Curriculum

At Hornbeam Primary School we offer children a rich and engaging curriculum that is designed to develop the skills and personal attributes they will need to succeed in their future lives.

Using our mission statement "Learn to Love Learning to Live Life Better" as inspiration, teachers design topics around the National Curriculum Programmes of Study that aim to develop children's life skills and give them experiences that they will remember into adulthood.

The Hornbeam Curriculum Tree

  • The roots are our ethos. We want the children to love to learn to live life better.
  • The trunk is what we value. We want the children to have purposeful learning and to be resilient learners. This is what will be at the heart of our key skills.
  • The branches are our values. We want the children to be creative thinkers. We want them to experience real life learning and become independent and meta-cognitive children.
  • We also want collective teacher efficacy where everyone shares the same beliefs.

At  Hornbeam Primary School we believe that the curriculum is a powerful tool that promotes a love of life-long learning. We are proud to use the National Curriculum as a starting point for an inclusive and varied learning experience for our children. We enrich it by making our curriculum real and purposeful for the children and are committed to developing the whole child.

Our children have the opportunity to be

  • artistically creative,
  • physically active
  • and academically challenged.

Our aim here at Hornbeam is to teach the children how to be curious and inquisitive about their education. We inspire the children to be ambitious and teach them how to be resilient in order to fulfil their true potential. We encourage everyone to adapt their learning to new situations and reflect on each learning journey they take and to be proud of their achievements.

  • A guide to the National Curriculum can be found here
  • A guide to Hornbeam's remote learning policy can be found here if required.
  • The DEALT policy for children with health needs who cannot attend school can be found here


Parents are informed via termly class newsletters (see class newsletter page) of topics and curriculum coverage. If you have any questions regarding curriculum, please contact the school.


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


Yr R

All about me 

Traditional Tales & Celebrations 

People Who Help Us.

Chinese New Year.


Farm to Fork


All Around the World

British Values 

Yr 1

A Journey Around Our School

Toys: Old & New

Great Britain

‘There’s A Sunflower in my Supper!’ 

Great Fire of London

"Let's go fly a kite!"

Working Scientifically
British Values

Yr 2

Miss Me & Mr Me 

The Show Must Go On

Oh, The Places We'll Go! 

When Will I Be Famous?

The Chocolate Factory

Hedgehogs & Habitats

Working Scientifically
PE & RE 
British Values

Yr 3

 Pre History


Light & Shadow

Eco Warriors

Mystical Creatures


Working Scientifically

E-Safety & Coding

PE & RE 


British Values

Yr 4

 Anglo Saxons

Buzz Buzz

Wonderful World of Arts

Deal's Shady Past

Forces of Nature

Animals & their habitats

 Working Scientifically
E-Safety & Coding
British Values

Yr 5

Vicious Vikings 

South America


All the Fun of the Fair


Hellfire Corner

Whizz Kids

Canterbury Tales

 Working Scientifically

E-Safety & Coding



British Values

Yr 6

 Awful Egyptians

In the Dark

The Greeks

All Around the World

 Jump To It

 Game On

 Working Scientifically





British Values

  • Purple Mash
  • Letters and Sounds