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AddressMongeham Road, Deal, Kent CT14 9PQ

Telephone01304 374033

Design Technology

At Hornbeam, Design and Technology is a vital component of our curriculum which brings learning to life. It is a subject area that gives all children the opportunity to design and construct but it also encourages them to become independent, creative problem-solvers and thinkers. Design and Technology prepares children to deal with tomorrow's rapidly changing world and it helps them to become astute and informed future consumers and potential innovators. 

The Design and Technology experiences that the children undertake at our school have been carefully designed. Each project ensures that the children engage in authentic problems which have a clear purpose, user and functionality. We know that children love making decisions for themselves and learning through practical experiences. We ask our children to make their own design decisions and we encourage them to be innovative and original in their thinking; creating products that they can see, touch and even taste. Each project has strong links to the topics being covered in class and also draws upon many other areas of the curriculum including science, maths, literacy and art.



Design and Technology Long term overview


Each project develops a progression of skills these are:

·        Technical knowledge

·        Designing

·        Making

·        Evaluating


Here are some web sites you might like to use at home:

  • Purple Mash
  • Letters and Sounds