The History curriculum at Hornbeam offers all children the chance to discover the past at local, national and world levels. The selected topics capture their interest, encouraging them to gain curiosity and knowledge at an age-appropriate level. The topics offer strong links to other areas of the curriculum and to the wider community, including between home and school.
The school takes advantage of the local environment and its rich historical past, offering excellent enrichment opportunities such as visits to Walmer Castle, Dover Castle and a strong partnership with the local History Project.
As they move through the school, children build up a vocabulary and knowledge of chronology and have opportunities to recap their skills and knowledge linked to this vital aspect of historical study.
The skills progressions closely match each topic to allow them to enhance their questioning and independent research skills as well as giving them a variety of platforms to demonstrate and share their growing historical knowledge.
The History curriculum offers extensive opportunities for enriching Literacy skills and knowledge through the reading of quality non-fiction and fiction texts, alongside the use of the internet and other stimulating secondary sources. The topics form a springboard for speaking and listening and drama and writing, as well as the chance, in some classes, to celebrate high quality outcomes with parents and other visitors through class museums and displays.
Topics by year group:
YR - All About Me (changes - past and present).
Y1 - Toys old and new, Great Fire of London, castles.
Y2 - Walmer Castle and the Duke of Wellington, significant historical figures.
Y3 - Prehistoric Britain (Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages), Crime and Punishment through the Ages, Roman Britain.
Y4 - Life in Anglo-Saxon Britain, Invaders and Settlers, Deal’s Shady Past.
Y5 - Vikings, WWII, Leisure Through the Ages.
Y6 - Ancient Egypt, Chronology, Deal's Mining Story - a local study.
The History Project
Useful websites:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zkqmhyc (KS1)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zcw76sg (KS2)