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AddressMongeham Road, Deal, Kent CT14 9PQ

Telephone01304 374033


Homework Policy 

At Hornbeam Primary School, we believe that homework serves the following purposes:

  • To celebrate the partnership between home and school
  • To support pupils in basic skills and understanding, particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy
  • To enable the extension of learning experienced at school
  • To prepare older pupils for the requirements of secondary school

General principles

  • We would ask parents to encourage the completion of homework as a vital part of the children’s education at school. However, no child will be penalised for non-completion of homework.
  • Reading at home should take place regularly; preferably daily.  All children are encouraged to read at least 5 times a week and parents are asked to sign reading record books each time. The school will keep track of home reading and offer support if needed.
  • Homework tasks will be based around literacy and numeracy that has been taught in the classroom.
  • It is helpful if a home routine is established to ensure homework is completed regularly.
  • With all homework the pupils are expected to “have a go”. If the pupil can’t remember the instructions the work can be left or attempted anyway.
  • Homework will be marked in accordance with our marking policy.
  • Daily practice of times tables is an integral part of homework.
  • Research is an important part of a child’s learning and should be actively encouraged to support topics covered at school.  This can be fun for all the family.
  • Purple Mash
  • Letters and Sounds