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AddressMongeham Road, Deal, Kent CT14 9PQ

Telephone01304 374033


 Term Dates 2024-2025

Term 1 - Start:  Tuesday 3rd September 2024,

               Finish: Wednesday 23rd October 2024

Staff Development Days: Monday 2nd September 2024

                                               Thursday 24th October & Friday 25th October 2024

Half term: Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November 2024

Term 2 - Start:  Monday 4th November 2024

               Finish: Friday 20th December 2024

Half term: Monday 23rd December – Friday 3rd January 2025

Term 3 - Start:  Monday 6th January 2025

               Finish: Friday 14th February 2025

Half term: Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February 2025

Term 4 - Start:  Monday 24th February 2025

               Finish: Friday 4th April 2025

Half term: Monday 7th April - Friday 18th April

Easter Monday: Monday 21st April

Term 5 - Start:  Tuesday 22nd April 2025

               Finish: Thursday 22nd May 2025

Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May 2024

Staff Development Day: Friday 23rd May 2025

Half term: Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May 2025

Term 6 - Start:  Monday 2nd June 2025

                Finish: Monday 21st July 2025  

Staff Development Day: Tuesday 22nd July 2025



Terms dates for later years can be found on the Kent County Council website.

  • Purple Mash
  • Letters and Sounds