Keeping Children Safe
On this page you will find important safeguarding information. Including ways that we work at school to keep children safe from harm, what you should do if you have a concern and how parents can keep their children safe online.
If you have any concerns regarding a child please do contact one of the team who will be happy to help.
The children take part in regular curriculum activities that have an emphasis on keeping safe. We hold assemblies with the police, fire and ambulance service. Children are taught about road safety, railways, building sites and, importantly for a seaside community, we have good links with the RNLI and the lifeboat station at Walmer. Older children learn Bikeability skills to cycle safely on the road. We try hard to make sure every child can swim before they move on to secondary school. Childline have run workshops for older children. |
All our work towards keeping children safe is governed by the Department for Education's publication Keeping Children Safe in Education. All schools have a duty to work with other agencies such as Children's Social Services. Our governing body has appointed a governor to monitor the school's work on Safeguarding children. The head teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads, which means they are able to respond appropriately if a concern arises. All staff receive child protection training. The school's Child Protection Policy sets out these issues in detail. |
Children use the internet as a valuable learning tool. While there is no doubt about its educational benefit there are also risks. At Hornbeam, keeping safe online is built into our curriculum. Children are taught how to react if they see something inappropriate online. We discuss cyber bullying and also how to keep your personal information private. The BBC Own it link can also be helpful for children. |
For parents, the Child Exploitation and Online Safety agency have a wealth of information and advice. If you need to make an urgent report following an e-safety concern you can use their Report Abuse button. For up to date information about online safety have a look at the latest parent zone site here. Kent Police have also provided some resources here Online Safety Guide for parents here How parents can help keep children safe online |
For our parent behaviour policy click here |
For our complaints procedure policy click here |