Special Educational Needs and Equality at Hornbeam
A new Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice came into place in England on 1st September 2014. After consultation with parents we developed our SEN&D Policy. We also publish an annual SEN&D Report which provides detailed information about the provision for SEND children at our school.
At Hornbeam we believe all children should be treated equally. We recognise that it is wrong to discriminate against any person on the basis of:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
We publish details of how we work to ensure there is no such discrimination at our school in our Equality Duty.
Hornbeam has excellent facilities which are listed here.
We also publish information about how we are working to ensure our school is equally accessible to all children and adults in our Accessibility Plan.
If you require any further information, visit any of the links below. Our SENCo Mrs Goodey can also be contacted on senco@hornbeam.kent.sch.uk
SEN & D Code of Practice
DfE SEND Code of Practice, Parent guide
KCC SEND Strategy
The aim of the SEND strategy is to improve the educational, health and emotional wellbeing outcomes for all of Kent's children and young people with special educational needs and those who are disabled.
This strategy incorporates the Accessibility Strategy (under paragraph 1 schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2012).
KCC Local Offer
Every local authority must publish a Local Offer. The SEND Local Offer tells you what support is available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities, and their families. It should include information about education, health and care provision. It should also tell you about training, employment and independent living for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN. The Mainstream Core Standards are a suite of documents that informs and steers our SEN practice. A guide for parents can be found here.
The Mainstream Core Standards reflect the 4 broad areas of need;
communication and interaction;
cognition and learning; social,
emotional and mental health difficulties;
sensory and/or physical needs.
Inclusion Statement:
Our Supporting children with medical conditions policy can be found here
Hornbeam SEND and Information Policy